Is disputed Ayodhya site the exact birthplace of Ram?
Does the 1,500 square yard piece of land where the disputed Babri Masjid once stood support the mansion of Queen Kaushalya, the mother of Hindu deity Ram, and is it the exact place of his birth?
According to Justice S.U. Khan, one of the three judges in the Lucknow bench of the Allahabad High Court who gave the Sept. 30 Ayodhya verdict, there is a difference between Janamsthan, Janambhoomi and Janamsthal. Translating the words in English, Justice Khan says 'janam' means 'birth', 'sthan' means 'place', 'bhoomi' means 'land' and 'sthal' means site. "No one has used the word Janamsthal (birth site in English)," points out Justice Khan. READ MORE
According to Justice S.U. Khan, one of the three judges in the Lucknow bench of the Allahabad High Court who gave the Sept. 30 Ayodhya verdict, there is a difference between Janamsthan, Janambhoomi and Janamsthal. Translating the words in English, Justice Khan says 'janam' means 'birth', 'sthan' means 'place', 'bhoomi' means 'land' and 'sthal' means site. "No one has used the word Janamsthal (birth site in English)," points out Justice Khan. READ MORE
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