you would know that Homosexuals were punished by God

you would know that Homosexuals were punished by God - Comments on Maldivian blogs -


@Hilath: i am not abusing him, and not for quoting from Quran, but refuting him going against established rules by the earliest Scholars of Islam.sure those who say Hadith as "fabrication" in brackets, wont believe if you bring whatever authentic sources. for them the media, which is a thousand times proved to be full of lies, is more reliable.the ahadith which were fabricated or weak have been separated from which is authentic. and you guys think that hadith was narrated just like you pass a talk by someone to some other.if you guys realize how strict are the rules set by the scholars of hadis to determine if it is authentic or not, then you might believe. but i guess you can put nothing in a cup that is full.and if you believe in even just Quran, then you would know that Homosexuals were punished by God. and you going with your propaganda on Gay Rights make me believe you don't even believe in Quran.


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