Hilath and DO Sappe - very important for MDP Government

Hilath and DO Sappe- very important for MDP Government
As I see it this is a very well planed plot by Hilath and some of his friends to create a scenario of fear within the community and to degrade a certain group of people of a certain faith. Hilath Rasheed is a person well known for his propaganda of Gay rights and anti Islamic ideologies. Years have passed and not a single government institution has condemned his works against the religion of this nation and the mockery he brought on the public of Maldives. The only excuse the government officials gave was, there was no way to prove that the website established by the name “hilath.com” was actually a property of Hilath Rasheed thus there is no way a court case can be filed on him. Yet they had no way even to close the site or to block it because all the journalists are protected by the article 27 of the constitution of Maldives (article “freedom of speech”) a bit confusing isn’t it?? Because the article states clearly that the freedom of speech should be within the boundaries of Islam. After all it’s obvious that it’s a game played by the government to change the ideology of the public. After all we have seen the internet news site that changed and gave a great deal of support for the opposition public during the reign of Maumoon and how it helped to change the point of view of a lot of people. And now we see “DO” (Dhivehi Observer) also has joined with this anti Islamic movement to promote the concept of his “home”. read more


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