Religious leaders- in building our society, not just through sermons

Religious leaders
Adhaalath Party has tirelessly worked to bring religious education to Maldivians and I must say that your efforts were not in vain. As a Maldivian Muslim I wholeheartedly thank you for that.

And as a religious party and controller of the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, I urge you to actively engage in the strengthening of our judicial system. Call for the Islamic punishment for murders and rapists who roam the streets of our country today. Guide our youth, do not let them go astray. I think it is time that the religious leaders take an active role in building our society, not just through sermons, but through constructive discussions on issues we're facing today, especially in the Islamic world such as societal issues, terrorism, suicide operations, etc. And only then can we build a true harmony in our country. READ MORE


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