I think as many secularist should believe, the majority vote rules right?

I think as many secularist should believe, the majority vote rules right?
Muad MZ

I think as many secularist should believe, the majority vote rules right? So one day, maybe there will be a referendum to see how public opinion is on Islam. A type of referendum done in Switzerland against the minerat or something that represents the Muslim community there. Even though the Muslims did not agree to the results there, they accepted it without too much fuss. But wonder if Islam voted for in Maldives in a referendum would the secularist accept it as patiently as the Muslims.


  1. As Maumoon was rejected and DRP and hardcore Maumoonist eventually accepted the fact, it would be the same in a religious matter.

  2. It is not only the majority rule, but also respect for human rights, including minorities. In the case of Maldives, disbelievers of the state approved Islam are minorities (citizens and expats alike), but their right to belief should be respected.


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