1000 vs 35 = WE WON, WO WEN, WOE MEN, WOMEN- By Rehendi


When 35 people went and complained to the president that the religious sermons given in the Maldives are against womenS rights, he heavily criticized Adhaalath party and religious scholars.BUT WHEN THOUSANDS OF LETTERS WAS SENT TO THE PRESIDENT TO STOP THE SALE OF ALCOHOL IN THE LOCAL COMMUNITIES HE DIDN’T GIVE A SHIT.WHEN 90 NGO,s STOOD AGAINST THE SALE OF ALCOHOL THE PRESIDENT AGAIN DIDN’T GIVE A SHIT.IF THIS IS THE DEMOCRACY YOU ARE TRYING TO ESTABLISH HERE ,THAN GET LOST ! read more


  1. Hehehe Evolutionary thinking...Bravo -fiki-

  2. didnt Anni stop the regulation from coming into force??

  3. Anni was forced to.. his arms were literally twisted by 18000 protesters in the artificial beach... have short term memory problems?

  4. 18000 ??dream on not at maximum 4000 including spectators..do u know the current population in male'+ 100000, so isnt 40000 insignificant no. as well. so stop bluffing...


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