People attending the religious sermons had been three time more than political gatherings - Comments on Maldivian blogs

People attending the religious sermons had been three time more than political gatherings - Comments on Maldivian blogs- minivannews

By Rilwan

All atheists ,those who wants to establish a multicultural community and those who oppose true Islam being spread in the Maldives had been working day in and out to blow out the flame of Islam.All these people had joined hands together to overthrow Maumoon(The Dictator).Once this obstacle had been removed they have targeted Islam and its true followers.But they didn’t knew that there is a greater force with the true believers.Allah(SWA) had promised us that the world will end after the Mulims are victorious.This generation our generation InshaAllah had been blessed by ALLAH(SWA)because we are the genration which will start this victorious march.No Maldivian will doubt that past five years true followers of Islam had grown immensely and more people had learned what really Islam is. People attending the religious sermons had been three time more than political gatherings of the biggest political parties.Plus recent gathering held to ban alcohol sale in local communities had created fear in the hearts of these people.Also the political parties had realized the potential threat Islam poses to them.Islam is a religion which teachers its followers that only servitude is to ALLAH(SWA).It is a religion which broke the Romans,Persians and in this century Russians, Americans,British and its allied forces had tasted the strength of true Islam.So all the enemies of Islam fear the spread of the truth and fear that our slavery to corrupt governments change to ALLAH(SWA).This is what you are seeing.Websites,Television,radios and the government which had sworn to protect Islam had joined together to destroy it in the name of spreading moderate Islam in the Maldives.The government we voted had betrayed us and its citizen by selling their religion and heritage to western hypocrites.They have spread every rumor every lie over throw Islam.Mr.Nasheed,Mr.Waheed and all Ministers and all enemies of Islam beware that ALLAH(SWA) is with us and there is a day that no one will have shelter from bodyguards and fortresses.I advice my Muslim brother not to anything which will lead to bloodshed and disorder.That is what we had been taught by our beloved messenger(SAW)ALLAHAKBAR,ALLAHAKBAR,ALLAHAKBAR,ALLAHAKBAR ,ALLAHAKBAR,ALLAHAKBAR,ALLAHAKBAR.


  1. gaddaaaa ingey, meehun hama ginaee dhaaleh, atheist in keekkuraneeee, ehen thiben jeheynee ingilin guhey adhadhakun blind follow koh koh, we have a protector and they have nothing hahaha

  2. dude just take sometime to think about why the quran did not have anything about the past (before human beings). Im not saying we have evolved from monkeys and i do not believe that.

  3. you talk about a certain fear following the protest, this fear what is it, is it fear of Allah and the day of reckoning he promised or a fear of where the society is headed.

    when you write "It is a religion which broke the Romans,Persians and in this century Russians, Americans,British, it is kind of berating some of the Muslims. why the Persian are Muslims, doing a great service to the Umma in Administration, science and technology. In the Abbasid era some of the kalifa's were even Persian. And not to mention a lot of Romans, Russian became Muslims. And now we o find a lot of British and American Muslims. If not meant to berate then why not mention that even the pagan Arabs broke under Islam.

    And in the case of slandering, our president and vice president, well the current government have done more to liberate Islam in the Maldives. Today more voices of Islam from different mazhabs/sects are heard in the Maldives. (We all know one mazhab is right of the 72, if you take the word of Hadith). I haven't heard them spreading rumors and lie's about Islam i don't know how you can straight out claim that.

    Anyway Peace
    hope you get my point.

  4. you talk about a certain fear following the protest, this fear what is it, is it fear of Allah and the day of reckoning he promised or a fear of where the society is headed.

    when you write "It is a religion which broke the Romans,Persians and in this century Russians, Americans,British, it is kind of berating some of the Muslims. why the Persian are Muslims, doing a great service to the Umma in Administration, science and technology. In the Abbasid era some of the kalifa's were even Persian. And not to mention a lot of Romans, Russian became Muslims. And now we o find a lot of British and American Muslims. If not meant to berate then why not mention that even the pagan Arabs broke under Islam.

    And in the case of slandering, our president and vice president, well the current government have done more to liberate Islam in the Maldives. Today more voices of Islam from different mazhabs/sects are heard in the Maldives. (We all know one mazhab is right of the 72, if you take the word of Hadith). I haven't heard them spreading rumors and lie's about Islam i don't know how you can straight out claim that.

    Anyway Peace
    hope you get my point.

  5. i think this guy translated a arabic death threat to english . word to word. Thats why he doesnt know what the hell he's talking about.

    And yes anyone can have a blog, even a monkey can

  6. lets put things into context here.. i agree with much of your article, Islam has thrived in Maldives in the past 5 or 6 years when our current President Nasheed fought for and got the freedom to express our beliefs and thoughts, whereas under Gayyoom you'd have been arrested , tortured and given a lengthy sentence for simply writing this article... most of the scholars who are here were still here, but except for 2 or 3 scholars they were too afraid to speak up, form an association let alone a political party...

    one thing i know is that Islam will THRIVE in a democratic society, just as it did and still does in Europe.. it has thrived to the extent that they are threatened and hence making it LAW to not practice Islam (i.e. ban building of mosques, wearing hijab, etc etc) and that's where the conflict will begin to arise, i.e. coz Muslims are FORBIDDEN to live under oppression.. West's love for career, wealth and entertainment have left them short of a work-force, which has been filled by larger Muslim families and immigrants, who refused to give up their islamic identities for the western way of life..

    Gayyoom left us with pretty much a secular state.. therefore we ought to start from scratch.. yet the Islamisation of Maldives, in the past couple of years, has taken place at an unprecedented pace..

    Fundamental Islam (islamic fundamentalism??) is here to stay, and hard luck for those who don't like it..

  7. you are right! mi dheenaka nukulheveyne! but religious seremons ithuruvy MDP hudha dhineemae, hehe, kurin sarukaaruga enmenge dhuthah hury bandhu khfa!

  8. I agree somewhat with u firas. It was the work of current president et. al. that brought us this freedom. MAG had an oppressive regime, with religion as a tool cut and trimmed to his own needs. Religion should not be made a tool to oppress people. But that is going to happen if we give absolute political power over religion to anyone, be it MAG, Anni, Adhaalath, Salf or anybody.

    I sometimes find it funny that lot of people take it to the streets to protest about freedom/liberalism. But is it not the liberal values of freedom of speech,freedom to peaceful protest, presumption of innocence, conviction only thru due process that makes these protests possible? And no, there is nothing western or democratic about these. These are fundamental human liberties. It just happens that it is western democratic countries where these things are mostly upheld at this point in history. And as firas said, it is in these countries that Islam is spreading most. So adopting these is not necessarily becoming westernised. It is only becoming more respectful and tolerant of human liberties.

    And maumoon didn't leave us with a secular state. He had combined religion and the power of the state to his own agenda. Thats not secular by any means


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