Revealed: Employee and manager at centre of salacious resignation email that accused them of having sex in the office

As one of London’s leading advertising agencies, MEC might have thought that all publicity was good publicity. But it will be feeling rather differently after a damning resignation email sent by one of its employees caused an internet sensation. In the email, sent to the whole company, senior account manager Kieran Allen makes a series of salacious allegations against his boss. He alleges that his 36-year-old boss ‘took a female colleague out for a drink on the day he interviewed her, then later took her back to the MEC offices that night and had sexual relations with her in the meeting rooms on the 3rd floor’. To the astonishment of MEC’s 5,000 employees, Mr Allen, who has worked for the company for more than two years, said he wanted to ‘expose the failings’ of supervisor Greg Shickle. He claimed the allegations were ‘common knowledge’ among the 30-strong team Mr Shickle leads in his role as Head of Performance. Soon after Mr Allen sent the email on Tuesday morning, it had gone ‘viral’, becoming a main trend on Twitter and appearing on news websites worldwide. Yesterday, a blonde MEC employee called Shawna Beaudet was revealed as being the infamous interviewee. However, the 25-year-old former boarding school pupil revealed the truth behind the allegations, denying that she and Mr Shickle had sex. Canadian-born Miss Beaudet told the Mail: ‘I didn’t sleep with him. I kissed him. 'It was possibly slightly inappropriate.Read more


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