
ސިޔާސީމީހާ ދޮގު ނުހަދާނެބާ؟

ސިރޫ އާޓްސް އަހަރެންނަކީ ދޮގުގެ އާއިލާއަށް ނިސްބަތްވާ ފަރާތެކެވެ. އެކަމު މިހަދަނީ ތެދެވެ. އަހަރެމެންނަކީ ދުނިޔޭގައި އުޅޭބަޔެއްކަން ބައެއް މީހުންނަކަށް ނޭނގޭނެއެވެ. އެއީ އަހަރެމެންގެ ކުޅަދާނަކެމެވެ. އަހަރެމެން އެފަދަ ކުޅަދާނަކަމާއި އެކު މުޖުތަމަޢުގައި ފެތުރިގަތުމަކީ އަހަރެމެންނަށް މާކަ އުނދަގޫ ކަމެއްނޫނެވެ. އެކެއްގެ ދޫމަތީން އަނެކެއްގެ ދޫމަތީން ފެތުރިގަންނައިރު އަހަރެންމެން ހާދަ މަޖާނަގަމެވެ. އެއޮތީ ވާކަކެވެ. އަދި އެންމެ މޮޅުކަމަކީ މިހާރު ދުނިޔޭގައި އަހަރެމެން މަރުނުވެ ނުވަތަ މަރުވެއްޖެނަމަ ކުނިވެ ފަނާވެގެން ނުދާގޮތަށް ހެދުމަށްޓަކާއި ތަފާތު ޓެކްނޮލޮޖީތަށް އުފައްދާފައި ވާކަމެވެ. އަހަރެމެންގެ އަޑު، އަބަދާއި އަބަދު އިވޭނޭހެން ބޮރޯޑްކާސްޓް ކުރަމުންދާ ޗެނެލްތަކުގެ ވާހަކަ ފޮނިކަނޑާލަން މިތާ ބުނެލަމެވެ. މީޑިޔާއަކީ އެންމެ ފަސޭހައިން އިންސާނާއަށް ހަމަލަދޭ ހަތިޔާރުކަން ސިޔާސީ މީހުން ކައިރީ ނުބުންޏަސް އެމީހުނަށް އިނގޭނެކަށް އަހަރެންނަށް އިގެއެވެ. މައިކްރޮސްކޯޕެއް އަޅައިގެން ނުވަތަ އެނޫންވެސް ގޮތަކަށް އަހަރެމެން އުޅޭނޫޅޭ ތަންތަން ބަލައިފިނަމަ، އަހަރެމެން އެންމެ ގިނައިން ފެނި ނުވަތަ އ

'Rape-provoking' miniskirts and crop tops banned by king of Swaziland with offenders facing six months in jail

Police in the small African kingdom of Swaziland have banned women from wearing miniskirts and midriff-revealing tops saying they provoke rape. Offenders face a six-month jail term under the ban, which invokes a colonial criminal law dating back to 1889. “The act of the rapist is made easy, because it would be easy to remove the half-cloth worn by the women,” police spokeswoman Wendy Hleta was quoted as saying by Independent Online on Monday. The ban also applies to low-rise jeans. Advertisement “They will be arrested,” she said.Hleta said women wearing revealing clothing were responsible for assaults or rapes committed against them. Read More

'I want my man dead or alive': Swedish woman accused of having sex in flat with SKELETONS after police find 100 body parts

A 37-year-old woman allegedly kept skeleton parts in her flat so she could have sex with them. The Swedish woman is suspected of using 100 parts, which included six skulls and one backbone, in ‘sexual situations’ and was charged with violating the peace of the deceased, prosecutors said. Police also allegedly found CDs titled ‘My Necrophilia’ and ‘My first experience’ as well as photos in which a woman is seen kissing and hugging the skulls, reported Swedish news agency TT. The woman, who comes from south-western Sweden, was charged at Gothenburg District Court today, but has denied the allegations - claiming she collected the bones out of historical interest. The Goeteborgsposten newspaper alleged that she wrote on an internet forum a few years ago: ‘My morals set my limits and I'm prepared to take the punishment if something should happen. 'It's worth it. I want my man like he is, whether he is dead or alive. He allows me to find sexual happiness on the side.’ Photos fro

'Manhattan Madam' sentenced to six months in jail as lawyer claims she was trapped by sting in which undercover cop watched two women have sex

'There is nothing glamorous about prostitution,' said Erin Duggan of the Manhattan District Attorney’s office. 'Anna Gristina rented women’s bodies for profit, which makes her a pimp. That also makes her a felon, and the court has now issued that judgment.' Read more

Does eating chocolate make you clever? New research suggests it may help you win a Nobel prize, at least..

Does eating chocolate make you clever? It seems that might well be the case after scientists in New York found the higher a country's chocolate consumption, the more Nobel laureates it spawns. The new research, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, is tongue-in-cheek, admits the lead author to Dr. Franz Messerli. But nonetheless, the results did show a surprisingly powerful scientific correlation between the amount of chocolate consumed in each country and the number of Nobel laureates it produced, he wrote in the journal. Read More

California votes to mandate condoms in porn industry - but will it make the industry leave the state?

In a potentially threatening blow to California’s porn industry voters have passed a measure that will require condom use during production despite fear it could put Los Angeles’ porn industry dually under wrap. Passed by 55.9 per cent of voters on Tuesday, Measure B will additionally raise fees in adult film productions potentially driving out the industry from L.A., according to the ballot's opposition. Read more

Nudity on in-flight entertainment unregulated, easily viewed by children

In the good old days, when you flew on an airplane, you and everybody else had to watch the same heavily edited, middle-of-the-road, fairly awful film or TV show on a tiny flickering screen suspended from the ceiling a few rows ahead of you. Read more