Would you buy this for your daughter? Artist creates disturbing PREGNANT BABY doll complete with mini foetus (but don't worry, it won't be hitting the shops)

At first glance it's your average baby doll, diaper clad and equipped with various bottles of 'milk'. The blonde-haired, blue-eyed youngster looks life-life enough, her mouth upturned in an open-lipped smile, her puffy elbows and knees typical of a newborn. But on closer inspection she is way more than just a doll, she is the freakish creation of a horror-show design project, developed by UK-based artist Darren Cullen, who goes by the name of 'sexyoffender'. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2217123/Would-buy-daughter-Artist-creates-disturbing-PREGNANT-BABY-doll-complete-pregnant-foetus-dont-worry-wont-hitting-shops.html#ixzz29Ec6sKVq Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook


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