Website helps Saudi girl in journey of faith

An 18-year-old Saudi girl, who was staying with her Christian mother in the United States, has embraced Islam while she was in the Kingdom on vacation, said Majed Al-Osaimi, director of dawa website.

Speaking to Arab News, he said the teenager, who is studying in the US, accepted Islam as her new religion after chatting with a woman dawa worker (propagator) associated with the website, whose name is Rukn Al-Huwar in Arabic. “The girl had obtained some knowledge about Islam and cleared all her doubts during the 20-minute conversation with our dawa worker and declared her Shahada,” Al-Osaimi said. He said his website, which was established in March this year, was instrumental in taking 119 people of different nationalities to the light of Islam.

“Every day one or two individuals are accepting Islam as their religion through our website,” he pointed out. Al-Osaimi urged Saudis and other Muslims living in the West to teach their children about Islam at an early age.ReadMore


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