Nazim, Ma. Eynaaz (First Non Muslim Maldivian) and his JIHAAD mission

Mohamed Nazim : It seems that Zakir Niak is going to be preaching on 27th in Carnival... I wonder what night club he is here to sell!!!! Mohamed Nazim: I was told by someone that he doesn't want to go to a 'night club' full of wine and virgin women at the end of life when you can buy a ticket to Bangkok and do the same without compromising your lifestyle... I agree : p ßeßßoo Shuhood : hey.. i have seen couple of his speeches n he is a person who answers to all the questions shouted at him. my idea why not we go there and ask him about this...also since when you became a fan of this guy? heheheh Rizwana M Haleem: goodness!!! Mohamed Nazim: Yes exactly Rizu... Gudunesu... what is wrong with these people... Why don't they just let people use your brains and think on their own rather than pushed into believe in " Ghaib " or what you cannot see or prove !!!! Mohamed Nazim: Yes Shuhood. I intend to go there and I don't think I'll be quiet - this is too...