
Showing posts from May, 2010

Nazim, Ma. Eynaaz (First Non Muslim Maldivian) and his JIHAAD mission

Mohamed Nazim : It seems that Zakir Niak is going to be preaching on 27th in Carnival... I wonder what night club he is here to sell!!!! Mohamed Nazim: I was told by someone that he doesn't want to go to a 'night club' full of wine and virgin women at the end of life when you can buy a ticket to Bangkok and do the same without compromising your lifestyle... I agree : p ßeßßoo Shuhood : hey.. i have seen couple of his speeches n he is a person who answers to all the questions shouted at him. my idea why not we go there and ask him about this...also since when you became a fan of this guy? heheheh Rizwana M Haleem: goodness!!! Mohamed Nazim: Yes exactly Rizu... Gudunesu... what is wrong with these people... Why don't they just let people use your brains and think on their own rather than pushed into believe in " Ghaib " or what you cannot see or prove !!!! Mohamed Nazim: Yes Shuhood. I intend to go there and I don't think I'll be quiet - this is too...

Should men who have slept with men give blood?

Many developed countries - including the UK - have a lifetime ban on blood donations from men who have ever had sex with other men, even if the encounter took place many years earlier. It was time, they said, to consider scrapping the old policy of "indefinite deferral" and look at asking men to wait between one and five years after having sex with another man before giving blood. A number of countries, including Argentina, Australia and Japan, have already lifted lifetime bans and allowed men to donate, on the condition that they have not had sex with another man for a year. Victoria Sheard, policy manager at Terrence Higgins Trust, said: "The vast majority of blood services around the world do not allow men who have sex with men to give blood, although several countries, including Canada, are now examining alternatives to a lifetime ban. Read more

Child porn online network busted

US federal prosecutors say they are working with police in several countries to investigate suspects in a child-pornography “social networking site” that at one point had more than 1,000 members trading explicit images. US authorities announced Wednesday that they had broken up the international online child porn site, saying more than 50 people had been arrested in more than 50 states since the 2008 start of the investigation. They said they are also seeking the extradition of several suspects from overseas, including the alleged ringleader, Delwyn Savigar, who is serving a 14-year prison term in England for sexually assaulting three underage girls. Savigar created and ran a password-protected website from which members could access collections of sexual images — some including as many as a million files — share their fantasies about sleeping with children and give advice to each other about how to build their collections and avoid getting caught, Assistant US Attorney Steven D. DeBro...

Italy's bishops reveal priest abuse figures

For the first time the Roman Catholic Church in Italy has admitted that about 100 cases of paedophile priests have been reported to church authorities during the past 10 years. But the Italian Catholic bishops' conference refused to reveal how many priests in the country had subsequently been defrocked under canon law. It also did not say how many priests had been prosecuted by police. The Church has been under pressure to reveal the secret statistics. Diplomatic immunity Meanwhile, the public record of the number of cases of paedophile priests prosecuted in Pope Benedict's own backyard continues to grow. On Monday, a priest in Savona went on trial for alleged sexual violence against a 12-year-old girl. On Tuesday, a 73-year-old priest in Milan, known for his support of gay rights, was arrested for alleged sexual abuse of a 13-year-old boy. Last week, an Italian bishop gave evidence for the first time at another trial that he knew about rumours of sexual abuse by a priest two y...

Astronomer Copernicus reburied as hero

Nicolaus Copernicus, the 16th-century astronomer whose work was condemned by the Roman Catholic Church as heretical, will be reburied by Polish priests as a hero on Saturday, nearly 500 years after he was laid to rest in an unmarked grave. His burial in a tomb in the cathedral where he once served as a church canon and doctor indicates how far the church has come in making peace with the scientist whose revolutionary theory that the Earth revolves around the Sun helped usher in the modern scientific age. Copernicus, who lived from 1473 to 1543, died as a little-known astronomer working in what is now Poland, far from Europe's centers of learning. He had spent years laboring in his free time developing his theory, which was later condemned as heretical by the church because it removed Earth and humanity from their central position in the universe. His revolutionary model was based on complex mathematical calculations and his naked-eye observations of the heavens because the telescop...

އަހަރެން އޮރިޔާމުން ނެރުނީކާކު؟

Image މުޙައްމަދު ސިރުޙާން އަހަރެން އުޅޭނީ އަހަރެން ހިތަށް އެރިގޮތަކަށް، އެކަކަށް ވެސް ނުބެހެވޭނެއެވެ. މިއީ މިނިވަންކަމެވެ. އަހަރެން ހެދުންލާން ބޭނުންނަމަ ލާނަމެވެ. އަދި އެއްވެސް ހެދުމެއް ނުލާވެސް އަހަންނަށް އުޅުމުގެ މިނިވަންކަން އެބައޮތެވެ. ކަލޭމެން އަހަންނަށް ކޮންމެހެން ރަގަނޅުގޮތް ކިޔައިދޭނެ ކަމެއްނެތެވެ. ކޮންމެ މީހަކުވެސް އެމީހަކަށް ފެނުނުގޮތަކަށް އުޅެންވީއެވެ. ބައެއްފަހަރު ޖަންގިޔާކޮޅު ލައިގެން އަނެއްބައިފަހަރު ކުރިމަތިފަރާތް އެކަނި އަދި އަނެއްބައިފަހަރު ކަރާއި ފޫޅާއި ދެމެދު އަދި އަނެއްބައިފަހަރު އިސްތަށިގަނޑު އެކަންޏެވެ. ސޮސައިޓީއެއްގައި ހުސް މިވިސްނުމުގެ މީހުން އުޅޭނަމަ އެސޮސައިޓީއެއްގެ ޙާލު ހުންނާނީ ކިހިނެއްތޯއެވެ؟ އަހަރެމެން މިހާރު މިތިބިި ސޮސައިޓީގައި ތިބެ އެފަދަ ސޮސައިޓީއަކަށް ބަލާލައިފިނަމަ ވަރަށް ހެއްވާ މަންޒަރުތައް ފެންނާނެއެވެ. އެއީ ހުރިހާގޮތަކުންވެސް މިނިވަން ސޮސައިޓީއެވެ. އެފަދަ ތަނެއްގައި އުޅޭނީ ކަލަކުވާކަން ޤަބޫލުނުކުރާ ނުވަތަ ޤަބޫލުކުރަން ނުޖެހޭކަމަށް ދެކޭމީހުންނެވެ. އެ ސޮސައިޓީގެ މޯރަލިޓީ ކަނޑައަޅާނީ ކޮންމެ މީހަކުވެސް އެމީހަކު އަމިއްލައަށެވެ. އިލާހީ ޤ...

ސީޓުބެލްޓު އަޅާށެވެ

Image މުޙައްމަދު ސިރުޙާން ކެބިންކުރޫ ކޮފީ ގެނައުމުން ޖޯޑުގެ މެދާހަމައަށް ކޮފީފޮދެއް އަޅައިގެން ވަރަށް ފުން ފިކުރެއްގެ މަތީގައި ކޮފީ ބޯން އިންދާ ކުއްލިޔަކަށް އެ އިވުނީ ޝީޓުބެލްޓު އަޅަން އިޢުލާންކުރި އަޑެވެ. ވަރުގަދަ ކޮޅިގަނޑަކަށް ފުލައިޓު ވަންނަނީ ކަމަށް ބުނެބުނެ އޮއްވާ ފުލައިޓަށް ގޮތްގޮތް ވާން ފަށައިފިއެވެ. ފުލައިޓުގައި ތިބި ޕަސެންޖަރުންނަށް ބޭއިޚްތިޔާރުގައި ހަޅޭވެސް ލެވުނެވެ. ކޮޅިގަނޑު އޮތީ ކުރިއަށެވެ. ޖައްވުގެ ތެރިން ތިރިވެ ކަނޑުމަތީ ހާލުބަލާލި އިރު ހަމައެފަދައެވެ. ކޮޅިގަނޑުގެ ސަބަބުން ކަނޑުގަދަވެ، ފަޅުވެރިން ލައިފް ޖެކެޓު އެޅުމަށް ކެޕްޓަނުން ނަސޭހަތް ތެރިވަނީއެވެ. ޚަބަރަތަކުން ބައެއް އުޅަނދު ފަހަރު ބިނދިގެން ދާ ޚަބަރުވެސް ގޮވަމުން ދެއެވެ. ކަނޑުގެ ބިޔަ ބާނިތަކުން ރަށުތެރެއަށް ބަލާލި އިރު ކަމަކުދާކަށް ނެތެވެ. މީސްތަކުން ބިރުން ގޭތެރެއަށް ވަދެ ދޮރުތަންޑު އަޅުވައިގެން ތިބީ ޤައުމަށް މިކުރިމަތިވި ކޮޅިގަނޑުގައި ރާއްޖެއަށް ލިބެމުންދާ ގެއްލުމުގެ ޚަބަރުތައް ބެލުމަށެވެ. މަޖީދީ މަގުން މީހުންތައް މަރުވެގެންވެއްޓެނީއެވެ. މަރާލެވޭއިރުވެސް ކައިރިވާކަށް ނުކެރެއެވެ. ލޭގެ ކޯރުތައް ދެމި...

ކުއްލި ޚަބަރު، ސިރުއާޓްސް ޑޮޓްކޮމްވެސް ހެކްކޮށްފި


ސިރުއާޓްސް ބްލޮގް ލާދީނީ ބައިގަނޑު ( އަނެއްފިކުރު ) ގެ އަތްދަށުގައި

މިހާރަކަށް އައިސް ސައިޓްތަކާއި ބްލޮގްތަކަށް ވަރުގަދަ ހަމަލާތައް އަންނަމުން އެބަދެއެވެ.