Breaking News, A Maldivian Atheist ( Ismail Mohamed ) committed suicide
އެއާރޕޯޓް ޓަވަރުމަތިން ފުންމާލައިގެން މީހަކު ދަންޖެހިއްޖެއެވެ.
މިބްލޮގްގައި ހުރި ފޮޓޯތައް މިހާރު މިވަނީ ޑިލީޓް ކުރެވިފައި
މީނާ ދަންޖެހިފައިވަނީ ކަރުގައި ވާގަނޑެއް އައްސައި ޓަވަރުން ފުންމާލައިގެންކަމަށް ހަބަރު ލިބެއެވެ. މިމީހާ ދަންޖެހިފައިވަނީ ރޭފަތިހުގެ ވަގުތެއްގައި ކަމަށް މިހާތަނަށް އެނގިފައިވެއެވެ. ދަންޖެހުނު މީހާއަކީ އެއާރޕޯޓްގައި މަސައްކަތް ކުރާ އިސްމާއިލް މުހައްމަދު ދީދީ އެވެ. މިހާތަނަށް މިމީހާ އާއި ބެހޭ މާބޮޑު މައުޟޫމާތެއް ލިބިފައެއްނުވެއެވެ.
His latest posts from his facebook
Ismail Mohamed: CITIZEN INSANE
Ismail Mohamed: amazing race
Ismail Mohamed: Silence
Ismail Mohamed: Im stil gay btw
Figu Figure:i thought u were bi-
Razan Abdul Shakoor : hahhaha isse you already told us
Mohamed Yoosuf: dude,he stole ur fone again??keke
Fazyna Aminath: this isnt news for us....but I guess it helps to let the whole world know
how do u guys know he was an atheist? well even if he was how would you that his death is related to that specific issue. just for your information an air traffic controllers job is known to be one of the most stressful in the world, which requires lot of skill and knowledge and the ability to adapt to sudden changes and making split second decisions. its like playing a 3d game where u cannot afford to loose. u have to win every single time. may be he died coz of unsatisfactory working conditions, salary issues... etc.
ReplyDeleteIts not like a plane crashed on his watch. There is no excuse for suicide.
ReplyDeleteeven so... suicide is never the answer. whatever the problem was, someone should've said that to him before hand. Now it's too late, and may god have mercy...
ReplyDeletedraw a picture of yourself as a blind dog.
ReplyDeletejudgmental much?
ReplyDeletehis latest status updates? more like updates you selected to make your little theory about his death, for your sorry excuse for a blog (attention-seeking-cut-paste-job u call a blog). dont talk like you know him when you don't
ReplyDeleteSo now you removed his photos on request? Thank you for supporting suicide. Lucky I saved them and uploaded them to twit pic. Lol lame sirey.
ReplyDeletekaley eyna ge hih falhaafa beleetha atheist eh kan ingunee??
ReplyDeleteone loser gone to hell fire. may his soul never rest in peace
ReplyDeleteSo siruhan, i was just wondering. Am a friend of isse's, and i just went over everything on his wall... nothing of the sort like this conversation there.
ReplyDeleteHow'd you come accross this, or are u even sure this is true what u r trying to claim here?