Miniskirt ban at San Jose school also applies to cheerleader uniforms
Here's a chant guaranteed to dampen the next pep rally: The new miniskirts for San Jose's Piedmont Hills High cheerleading squad are too R-I-S-Q-U-E! Intent on cracking down on miniskirts, the high school's principal has decided the cheer squad's new uniforms also have no place in school. Instead, said Principal Traci Williams, the cheerleaders must cover up with sweats to wear their uniforms during school। A Former Cheerleader Says, Don't Let Today's Cheerleaders Wear Their Short Skirts to स्छूल I was a cheerleader in high school. I wore the short skirt complete with black shiny nylon briefs (we called them "spankies," for God's sake) over my underwear to school, to class, usually three days a week, for all four years of high school and two years of junior high. I was a cheerleader every damn year, forever and ever. And when I heard that a high school banned its own cheerleaders' short skirts from class, I was happy about it. Not f...